
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Introducing Tuesday Tunes Inspiration!

Here is a new little segment that I am going to try my best to keep up with..
I often listen to music to inspire my mood and my work. 

When I work on children illustrations I often listen to childrens music.  Also, with a baby on the way I have been researching fun, folksy music the baby and I can enjoy together. 

Elizabeth Mitchel ::


Baby on the Brain!

I am currently 3 days from my babies due date and driving myself crazy keeping my mind off the idea of going into labor.  I have been trying my best to stay caught up on my work and prepare for a show coming up this summer.  I am ubber excited because I have been trying to perfect my drink tag straws, develop my packaging, and create more designs for all occasions. 

This is currently what I have been up to for the last month (since my last blog post).  Enjoy and share a little comment if you have any input what-so-ever.